Routing and patching sound

Routing and patching sound

Routing and patching

In this article, I will explain routing and patching. Many mixers have the ability to link to each other for easy out-of-channel sound transfer.

In mixers used for recording, this function is most needed. And also a little bit for live performance mixers.

Look for INSERT connectors in more professional screw-on mixers. In live performances where the number of microphones can be high, for example at least 7 for drums and one or two for singers and for example 4 for other instruments and strings, so that all these cables, separately if they want to Go to the mixer clutter the stage floor (especially if the mixer is further away from the stage). Here, routing and sound assignment are used.


Routing and patching


For this reason, they are connected to a patch device and reach the patch device next to the mixer via a cable known as a multipole cable. And the sound is transmitted from the patch device to the mixer.

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