Toneboosters MBC multi-band compressor

Thursday, August 11, 2022

Toneboosters MBC multi-band compressor

Toneboosters offer a range of processing and effects plug-ins as well as virtual analogue synthesizer. Their latest offering, MBC, brings together a number of processors, combining multi-band compression, saturation and stereo width processing into a single plug-in.

The plug-in’s GUI is built around a large spectral display, where users are able to create and change the frequency of crossover bands. A total of 10 bands of compression are available, with each band capable of having two compression curves applied. Both upward and downward compression modes are on offer, and the two can also be combined within a single band. All of the expected controls are present, with Threshold, Ratio, Range and Knee parameters displayed on the bottom left of the GUI, and Attack, Release and Makeup Gain controls appearing in a Settings tab placed on the right.

A section at the bottom left of the interface provides access to the plug-in's saturation controls, with sliders allowing control over Width, Saturation and Drive parameters. As with the multi-band operation of MBC's compressor section, these parameters are also applied to each of the created bands individually, allowing saturation and width processing to be applied to specific frequency ranges rather than globally across the entire spectrum. A tool bar along the top of the GUI provides a range of useful features, including A/B comparisons, undo and redo functions, loading and saving of presets, as well as copy and paste functions to transfer parameter settings between bands via the plug-ins internal clipboard.

MBC is available now from the Toneboosters website. VST, AAX, AU and standalone versions are available, and the plug-in is priced at £20.22 including VAT.

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