United Plugins release TrapTune

Thursday, August 18, 2022

United Plugins release TrapTune

United Plugins have announced the release of TrapTune, a pitch-correction plug-in developed by SounDevice Digital that also includes distortion and doubling effects, pitch-shifting capabilities, and built-in delay and reverb sections. As the name suggests, TrapTune is aimed at producers working within genres that rely on hard vocal tuning effects to provide their signature sound, and United Plugins say the effect will be especially well suited to trap, hip-hop, EDM, R&B and contemporary pop music.

A ‘Tune In’ section at the top of the GUI provides access to the plug-ins pitch correction controls, where users are able to select the key they are working in from a drop-down menu. A large Trap Tune Intensity knob followed by Speed and Style parameters offer control over the level of correction applied, with the possible results ranging from subtle correction through to hard tuning effects with obvious artefacts. A Transpose control offers +/- 12 semitone pitch shifting, and a Formant Shift control allows users to alter the timbre of a vocal without affecting its pitch or timing.

A Second Voice section essentially adds another voice singing in unison with the track being processed. A Transpose control provides +/- 12 semitone pitch-shifting, allowing users to create harmony effects or have the second voice sit one octave above or below the original vocal. The volume of the second voice can be set with a Level control, and a Stereo Voice switch engages TrapTune’s doubler effect, creating a wider stereo vocal.

Three separate effects sections are on offer, and can each be engaged or bypassed individually. The Distortion section is equipped with Drive and Dry/Wet controls, whilst the plug-in’s Reverb section sports Decay, Size and Dry/Wet parameters. Finally, a Delay section provides a selection of tempo-synced delays along with Dry/Wet and Feedback controls.


United Plugins release TrapTune


The bottom of the GUI contains a switchable high-pass filter, Input and Output controls that each provide +/- 24dB of adjustment, and a pair of large meters that provide a visual indication of levels at each end of the plug-in’s processing chain.


TrapTune is available now, and until 30 September 2022 will be offered for an introductory price of , after which it will rise to €79 / £66 including VAT. The plug-in is available in the AAX, AU, VST and VST3 formats, and is supported on macOS 10.10 and above, and Windows 8/10.

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