Rigid Audio Lofi Explorer Bundle

Saturday, August 13, 2022

Rigid Audio Lofi Explorer Bundle

Rigid Audio have announced the release of the Lofi Explorer Bundle, a 7GB collection consisting of three virtual instruments which they say are ideal for creators of ambient soundtracks and relaxing chillout-style music.

The first of the instruments, LOFI Drummer, contains 70 drum kits and noises organised into Crushed, Filtered, Hybrid, Mellow and Processed categories. Six sections are available, with each one providing control over ASDR, panning and tuning of loaded samples, as well as offering individual audio outputs for further routing and processing of each element of the kit in the user’s DAW. The instrument is also equipped with a master low-pass filter.

LOFI Explorer brings with it 123 instruments divided into Atmo, Bass, Combi, Keys and Lead categories. Once again, the instrument features ASDR controls and a master low-pass filter. In terms of modulation, a built-in LFO offers control over the instruments pan, pitch and volume parameters.

The third instrument, LOFI Traveller focuses on ambient textures and soundscapes, with 110 sound sources on offer. As with the other instruments in the bundle, control over ASDR is provided along with a master low-pass filter, and once again an LFO is available to allow modulation of the instrument’s pan, pitch and volume controls.

The collection’s instruments are available in VST2, VST3 and AU plug-in formats, and are supported on systems running Windows 7 or higher, and macOS X 10.12 (Sierra) or higher. Rigid Audio say that all three of the instruments have been designed for ultra-low CPU usage.

To take a listen to what’s on offer with the bundle, check out the trailer below.



The Lofi Explorer Bundle is available now, and is currently on offer for an introductory price of $12 until 31 August 2022, after which it will increase to a full price of $99.

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